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Cartoon Network can kiss my Arsenal! (new fan art)

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 I've been wanting to sketch some kind of Young Justice Suicide Squad fan art since the December last month but I just couldn't get it together. So with the recent bad news thanks to those asshole executives at cartoon network I finally managed to work on this over the weekend while listening to 80s heavy metal on Youtube for several hours straight. I don't think it's the best things I've ever done but I think it turned out okay.
Also on Youtube I saw some previews of what cartoon network is going to replace GL and YJ with. It's gonna be another lame ass Teen Titans for pre-schoolers series along with a Batman CGI one. Every Batman series since the Paul Dini cartoon has sucked bat balls so I'm sure this new CGI series will probably also suck. But even if it's better then I'm anticipating it won't be nearly as satisfying to watch as YJ.
Not too upstage my own work but yesterday I found some amazing Young Justice fan art on Deviant Art you all need to see:

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