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Beware Randomnerds bearing gifts

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Well I must say when I received the rather large box of items from Randomnerd I was taken aback. I knew she had something on it's way to me from her weekend at the Chicago Comic Con but I had no idea it would be so lavish a gift. As you can see here there is a Deadshot figure (it was in the package) and a "Hello Kitty" style illustration done on a piece of cardboard of Lashina. I've seen that figure a million times on the internet over the years but now that I've got one I gotta say I'm so impressed with how well sculpted and articulate it is. Dale knows what I'm talking about. I think also this thing will actually serve as a useful tool for those times when I'm having trouble visualizing in my head specific figure composition for future fan art. Those jointed wooden figurines you find at art supply stores never really worked for me. She also included a copy of one of the coolest G.I.Joe comic book issues ever published which was #21 "the silent issue".

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This one of my favorite Suicide Squad scenes from issue 33 in which Duchess/Lashina is rounding up Squad members to take with her to Apokolips to run interference as she attempts to regain her position with the Female Furies. Till this day this scene is still not 100% clear to me. Considering that all she really wants is to use Deadshot as canon fodder I'm not sure I understand why him being a little out of his mind would make a big difference to her. But some how it's still a cool scene that really sticks with me. So how would you folks out there interpret this exchange between Duchess and Deadshot? Why wasn't he "ready"?

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