Cari Blog Ini

Hidden Spider crouching Tiger

So by now I'm sure most of you know that Black Spider turned out to be the traitor that's been hyped about for the last few months. Gee whiz, could they have picked a more obvious character among the Squad? But on the other hand Boomerang turns out to be a double agent still working for Waller for which he allowed himself to be captured by Basilisk back in issue #4. Apparently even Deadshot wasn't in on that plan. We also discover in issue #12 that Diablo, King Shark and Iceberg turn out to be Basilisk subconscious sleeper agents that Black Spider activates by saying a trigger word to them right after he gets the drop on Boomerang. So that just leaves Deadshot and Harley and they're in big trouble. Also, the issue ends as an assassin is poised to ambush Waller.
This issue was certainly an improvement from the last but I'm not ready to start picking this book up again just yet. But here's what would get me to think twice about that. Find some way to introduce Bronze Tiger into the series at this point and have him save the Squad's collective asses which would have to include a show down between Bronze Tiger and Black Spider. Maybe Black Spider is killed by BT or manages to survive the fight and make a ninja like get away and vow revenge just like Ravan from the Ostrander series?
Or better yet Black Spider is captured and taken back to face Waller. He would be so fucked! But, I suspect all that is too much to hope for however. I imagine Yo-Yo will probably show up again instead. No offense to Yo-Yo I actually kind like the character but he's just no Bronze Tiger. So what do you all think you like my idea here?

Chicago Comic-Con 2012 photos from this past weekend courtesy of one of my favorite commentators and supporters for this blog, Randomnerd (Black Widow). Wish I could have been there too.

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